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Types Of Target Shooting To Try

If you love the outdoors and you’re looking for something fun and exciting to do in the weeks ahead, why not try your hand at a number of different types of target shooting? There’s a great gun club in Okeechobee that covers everything you need all in one place including food and a place to lay your head if you decide to extend your stay. Here are just a few of the shooting experiences waiting for you there. 

Shotgun sports and target shooting

One of the most fun activities at facilities that offer target shooting is shotgun sports. Sporting clay courses are similar to golf in that you have a set number of stations that you navigate via the golf cart. Each has targets that simulate bird patterns in flight. The more targets you hit, the higher your score will be. Sporting clays are a great activity for novice and experienced shooters alike. 

Try the pistol range for target shooting

Another shooting activity perfect for everyone from beginner to experienced shooters is the pistol range. In sporting clays, you shoot shotguns, in the pistol range you shoot pistols at stationary targets between 50 and 100 yards. The paper targets are mobile and can be set to the perfect distance for accommodating your shooting experience by the range safety officer on hand. 

Head to a competition park

At least one excellent Okechobee shooting facility has a world-class competition park on the property that you don’t want to miss during your visit. It’s often used for tournaments, classes, and other shooting events. But if you’re lucky enough to snag time on the course, you’ll be able to put your shooting skills to the test. 

Complete your concealed carry class

You might have been thinking about it for a while, but during your visit to this shooting facility, you have the opportunity to finally get it done. The concealed carry class covers safe gun handling and other elements of marksmanship. It also covers self defense laws and everything you need to know about carrying a concealed firearm. 

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