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Improve Your Skills with Sporting Clays

Clay shooting machine loaded up and ready to go, outdoor shooting range, OK Corral Gun Club, Okeechobee, Port St Lucie, Fort Pierce, Florida

Want to improve your gun skills? Sporting clays is the closest thing to field shooting and will actually help you gain discipline when shooting in general. Those disc-like tools provide an exciting game, beginner and advanced alike. And no two games are the same. There are quite a few ways to shoot clays. So, the next time you’re at your local sporting clays Florida gun range, try your hand at a class or two and get familiar with what it’s all about. 

Two Different Specialties, Same Excitement

There are two different specialties when shooting clays. One is Sporting and the other is Compak. Sporting mimics the exact movements as if you were actually hunting game. The shooters go from one station to the next. The shooter gets a chance to shoot clay targets that simulate various types of animals found in woodland areas. These animals can be anything from birds to rabbits. 

The Compak style is similar to Olympic clay pigeon shooting. Instead of mimicking shooting designed to recreate a hunt, the shooters will remain stationary at 5 platforms or shooting stands. You’ll stand at each platform within the boundaries, as the clays are launched into clear view. 

Both styles are made to mimic the look of the real thing, and made to be as difficult as possible for the shooter. You’ll be introduced to various hunting situations which sharpen your skills quickly. Although federal regulations are different in each state, these two sporting styles can be different as well. Talk to your local sporting clays Florida gun range if you have any questions. 

Within these two styles, you’ll find the difference in competition. The hare or rabbit clay, the pigeon clay, lofted clays, micro or sparrow clays, and pull and mark (to name a few) are just some ways your shooting style will differ. 

The Hare/Rabbit – A special machine launches this clay towards the ground as fast as it can. Unlike traditional clays, this structure and shape is vastly different. You will notice this clay running and bouncing fast to mimic the movements of an actual rabbit. The terrain will be quite different, and you will be situated in an uneven and uncontrolled area.

The Pigeon Clay – With pigeon clay shooting, two clay pigeons are launched from either side of the stand crossing the platform. Pigeon clays mimic a real bird hunt, so you can expect to be shooting in an area which simulates bird activity. 

Lofted Clays – The clay is tossed in an upward launch at very high speed, and drops naturally as you try to aim at the target. It is the most difficult clay shooting, but can be successful with a couple of different techniques. You can shoot the clay when it stops rising and it starts to slow down, or shoot the clay while it begins to rise after its launch, and try shooting it as it drops. When it starts to drop, make your aim count.

Micro/Sparrow Clays – These types of clays are smaller, which makes this type of shooting much more difficult. It is shot in a variety of different patterns and in a close range.

Pull and Mark – Last, but not least, these sporting clays are often used in tournaments. Much like skeet shooting, pull and mark machines launch these clays. The speed and drop of the clays mimics the skeet shooting style. 

While sporting clays, in themselves, are rather exciting and challenging games, you can find many variations of clay shooting.  Your sporting clays Florida gun range will offer helpful tips, styles, guns, and classes to suit your needs, so you can find your personal shooting style.  Book an exciting clay shooting lesson or concealed carry class today at OK Corral Gun Club!

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