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How Long are Concealed Carry Classes?

If you want to get behind a gun, then you need some form of training that will help you develop both confidence in yourself and safety around others. You also need to know what your idea of obtaining a gun looks like and what you plan to do with it. While there are plenty of classes to take, finding out your shooting style first will determine just how long you’ll be in that particular class. When you are ready, you can contact the outdoor shooting range South Florida trainers to walk you through the steps, both safely and confidently. 

Class Types

There are quite a few defensive training and gun training classes, but only six that the NRA considers either beneficial or necessary to the gun owner or interested person. 

  • Concealed Carry class
  • NRA Refuse To Be a Victim class
  • NRA Basic Gun Safety
  • NRA Defensive Pistol or USCCA Defensive Shooting Fundamentals (DSF)
  • NRA Personal Protection in the Home (or Outside the Home) or USCCA Home Defense
  • NRA Basic Pistol or USCCA Basic Handgun

You’re first going to decide why you’re looking for gun classes. Maybe you enjoy target practice, and you’ll be spending your time practicing your aim. Perhaps you’re ready to practice self-defense for the safety of your home and family. Each gun class holds different learning techniques and should therefore be taken based on individual need. Gun safety is widely important and your outdoor shooting range South Florida trainer will hone in on this with each class. 

What To Expect at a Concealed Carrying Class

If you want to carry a gun, you’ll need this type of training and license to do so. Concealed carrying classes cover the rules and regulations for those who choose to carry a firearm. Each state has their own set of rules, which need careful attention. Depending on your state, this class can take anywhere from 2.5 hours to 4 at max. Once you’ve successfully completed this class, you’ll receive a certificate and license. You can then decide if you’d like to add other firearm courses, such as basic gun safety and so on. Choosing the class type is entirely up to you and what you’re trying to achieve. Concealed carry classes will go over the follow, in no particular order:

  • All gun requirements and laws within your state
  • Handgun safety when loading, uploading and maintaining
  • Areas within your state that prohibit you to carry
  • Storing/transporting your gun 
  • When to use deadly force/when it’s prohibited
  • Other states requirements should you carry from state to state
  • Aiming and shooting

Why You Should Take A Gun Training Course

If you have a gun, are planning on getting a gun, or are curious about gun safety, you should take a course! It’s always in your best interest – and of those around you – to take a course in gun training, whether you plan on shooting regularly or once a month. If you haven’t noticed, almost every image of someone holding a gun – actors and actresses in movies and tv shows – is not using proper gun techniques. You’ll probably notice that their finger is on the trigger when they’re talking or threatening a crowd, as we see often in  movies. So, we viewers automatically assume that that is how you hold a gun, right? This can’t be further from the truth. Only when you are absolutely ready to fire do you put your finger on the trigger. This is just one of many reasons why the public needs a good lesson in gun training! 

Gun safety is absolutely crucial when owning or using a gun. Protect yourself and your family by first booking a class at our outdoor shooting range South Florida training center at OK Corral! 

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